Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Using Chemistry Comics For Your Science Fiction and Fantasy Reading

Using Chemistry Comics For Your Science Fiction and Fantasy ReadingThere is a wide variety of books on various topics, but when it comes to science fiction and fantasy, the subject matter of chemistry comics is a little overlooked. It might be because they don't have the authority of more traditional sci-fi and fantasy books, or it might be because there isn't much left to say about chemistry in these types of books. The truth is that if you are going to delve into a subject like this, you need to be prepared to go deep, or go where the readers are likely to go first. Here are some tips on choosing the right books for your reading pleasure.Chemistry is an important topic, so it's best to start out with something that is really helpful. Think of something that can encourage children as they learn about the subject, something that can give them a better understanding of how things work, rather than just reading what people in the book have said. You don't want the material to be too dr y, but you also don't want to just brush over it, either.The materials that you choose should have a past history on them. While they may be simplistic by today's standards, for example, when it comes to the discovery of fire, many science fiction books are often written using very little information and instead using the book itself as a source of information. Take the time to read through what is previously known about this topic and see if there is anything new to be is an online tool that has the words 'History of Chemistry' and links to articles that contain the information that you need. Take the time to look through a number of these articles and find examples of what you want to include in your book. Also, you will want to make sure that the style of writing and word choice that you use is appropriate for your age has a number of free resources that you can find by searching for them on Google. The resources here are exactly what you would find in an old science fiction and fantasy book, but it can be a great way to find inspiration for the way you write. Try not to limit yourself to the topics you already know about, but find a way to add a new angle to the topic.You can find a wealth of materials available online, so don't be afraid to dig a little deeper. Don't be afraid to search for words that you haven't seen on a reference guide before, too. A good example of this is when someone searches for the word 'ceramic' in their area, they may get a lot of results, but they may not know what all those results mean.If you are going to use your science fiction comics to teach children about chemistry, it's important to write the material well. It is the most important concept that you will teach them, so you need to make sure that you are drawing out all the lessons. There is a lot of confusion about the definition of a substance, so it's important to outline the definition of different terms so that it is easy for the reader to understand what is being taught. Be sure to make your illustrations clear and concise, and to not make it too difficult for the reader to understand.As your students become more skilled at using their newfound knowledge, you can move on to more advanced materials. It is a good idea to give them a refresher course on their technical knowledge before they are ready for more difficult material. The later they are able to reach their high school level, the more advanced they will be at utilizing their knowledge of chemistry comics.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Chemical Name - How to Choose the Right One

Chemical Name - How to Choose the Right OneIf you are studying chemistry and trying to think of a chemical compound name, you can help yourself a lot by knowing the chemical name for your catered cation anion molecules. Chemicals may contain one or both anions, so it is important to know the chemical name that will help you with your plans to make a compound. This article will give you some hints on this.The most basic molecule is cationic. The molecule that contains two ionic charges, one anion and one cation. The 'C' in Cationic means that it has two charges, the more common cationic is made from one charge and two anions. The two forms, anion and cation, make up about 95% of all compounds. You have to be able to identify the type of chemical before you start your program.When you are reading about how to make cationic, first ask yourself how many cations are needed for it to be an anion? How many of the anions will be anions, and how many will be cations? Do you need to know more than this? This is why it is so important to look it up in the guide. The guide should give you a list of names for the different forms of the different compounds.An ionic compound will have a positive and negative charge. The question that you will need to ask yourself is if the negative charge can be removed, or if it will be taken from the positive. If you are using the normal rules of chemistry for your calculations, then it is unlikely that the reaction will occur. If you use the electrochemical reactions, then you are in luck. But before you get started, you will need to find the answer to the question above.If the anion is anhydrous, then the product is going to be a hydroxide, which is water. If the anion is semi-molecular, then it is going to be an acid. And if the anion is isocyanate, then it is going to be a ketone.In some reactions, the anion is not water. For example, when you boil water, the oil in the water forms into a gas, and the water condenses into a liquid. The anion is not water, because it is not a gas.The chemical name is an important piece of information for you to have when you are working on any compounds. It is not as important as it once was, but it can still be used.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Study for the Verbal Reasoning Section of the GRE

How to Study for the Verbal Reasoning Section of the GRE The Verbal section of the GRE is actually quite simple in terms of what to expect. When you first take a look at a set of practice questions, youll most likely be reminded of elementary school English tests because of the high volume of fill-in-the-blanks. Yes, a big part of the section is choosing which words will fill in the blanks of sentences most logically. Sounds easy, but it actually requires more preparation than youd think. The reason for this is that the options of words given to you are not going to be every-day vocabulary. Most of them wont even be close to every-day vocabulary. This section is going to throw a ton of incredibly obscure words at you that you are not used to seeing or hearing in a casual sentence. Needless to say, this will initially leave you staring at the blanks with absolutely no idea how to fill them. That is why it is crucial you spend an extensive amount of time studying up on endless vocabulary. Take a few hours early on and make a giant stack of vocab flashcards you can consistently study until test day. You will not be asked to directly define any vocabulary words, but comprehending what they mean is essential to recognizing when to put them in a sentence. Another helpful tactic is to study up on what common suffixes and prefixes mean. This will ensure that if you come across a word you did not study, you will be able to make an educated guess on its meaning by recognizing what a part of it means. This is an easy way to narrow down if a word correlates to something good, bad, big, small, etc. When youre not filling in blanks, youll be tested on reading comprehension again, something youve seen in school many times before. With that being said, this shouldnt be too foreign to you, but its still worth warming up for. You cant predict what the passages will be about and the questions that will be aligned with them, but you can practice the art of quick and focused reading. This is absolutely necessary for completing this part of the Verbal section successfully. You will not have enough time to re-read the passages too many times, so you must develop the skill to grasp the main concepts efficiently. Train yourself to process those during the first read-through so you will have a strong foundation when you look back for specific points after reading the questions. This will guarantee you to be able to answer the questions faster. Really, the best preparation for this part of the Verbal section is solidifying your ability to focus. Overall, the majority of your time spent preparing for this particular section of the GRE should be focused on studying vocabulary. Throw in a few tests of speed-reading/comprehension and Verbal Reasoning will be yours to conquer.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Different Types of Yoga in India

The Different Types of Yoga in India What Is Yoga? ChaptersHatha Yoga, Typical Indian YogaKundalini Yoga, Straight Out of IndiaSivananda Yoga, Created by and for IndiansBikram Yoga, a Popular Indian Yoga StyleYoga Nidra, Yoga for SleepIyengar Yoga, The Body as an ActorAshtanga Yoga, Dynamic Indian YogaVinyasa Yoga, Powerful Yoga”Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” - The Bhagavad GitaMore and more people are choosing to do yoga. A lot of gyms offer yoga sessions and there are also outdoor yoga classes and yoga centres. Originally from India, yoga has started to become a popular activity all over the world.With the International Day of Yoga on 21st June, you might be tempted to work on your poses, techniques, and breathing exercises. Whether you decide to do a yoga retreat or not, India is still a huge influence on yoga.With all the types of yoga popping up each year, which ones are actually from India? Is there still a typically Indian style of yoga? Which styles of yoga are preferred in India? Here’ s an overview of yoga practised in India. CarleyYoga Teacher 5.00 (5) £100/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LynnYoga Teacher 4.89 (9) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GenYoga Teacher £45/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JulieYoga Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AliceYoga Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LauraYoga Teacher 5.00 (6) £70/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors UndramYoga Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LottieYoga Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsHatha Yoga, Typical Indian YogaSo while some types of yoga focus on a particular technique like breathing, spinal alignment, or pranayama, hatha yoga is based on one of the limbs of yoga.  Hatha means “force” in Sanskrit. It was inspired by an Indian philosopher and teacher who died in 1989: Krishnamacharya. He taught some of the biggest names in yoga with his teaching becoming codified as hatha yoga. Hatha yoga is a dynamic variety of yoga. (Source: StockSnap)This 20th-century yoga became very popular over the world. So what does it involve?It’s very simple.  Hatha yoga involves a variety of poses (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), and physical strength. A typical hatha yoga session lasts around 90 minutes.The codification of hatha yoga has made it one of the most popular types of yoga in the world.  With meditation, relaxation, concentration, and yoga poses, it's accessible to everyone.That’s what you’re after, right?Find out more about doing yoga in India.Kundalini Yoga, Straight Out of IndiaKundalini yoga is one of the original types of yoga from India. Inspired by Swami Vivekananda and created by master Bhajan in the 1970s, Kundalini yoga draws upon the most effective elements of yoga. In India, there are several types of yoga. (Source: janeb13)The goal is to carry out yoga poses regularly to make the practice more effective. This type of yoga is better suited to experienced yogis who have a better understanding of how to harmonise their body and mind.While some may say that Kundalini Yoga focuses on our sexual energy, it focuses on your spinal column, which is believed to be the centre of our energy. The goal is the master the flow of energy through this channel and to let go.Kundalini Yoga draws upon mindfulness, breathing exercises, and Indian mantras. The term “Kundalini” means “circular” in Sanskrit and appears regularly in sacred Hindu texts. A genuine Indian style of yoga!Discover more yoga retreats in India.Sivananda Yoga, Created by and for IndiansSwami Vishnudevahanda, a student of Swami Sivananda, created this type of yoga in the 1960s which focuses on breathing, relaxation, and positive thinking. Yoga is more than an activity. It's a way of life. (Source: Free-Photos)This increasingly popular style of yoga is based on 5 main pillars:Regular practiceBreathingRelaxationA healthy vegetarian dietPositive thinking through meditationThroughout a 90-minute session, you’ll “unite” your body and mind (the translation of the Sanskrit word Sivananda).Based on Hatha Yoga, this type of yoga uses asanas, breathing exercises, and meditative practices. Regularly doing this type of yoga can have a positive effect on your mind, body, spirit, and overall well-being. As with everything else, no pain, no gain.Check out the best Indian yoga retreats. CarleyYoga Teacher 5.00 (5) £100/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LynnYoga Teacher 4.89 (9) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GenYoga Teacher £45/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JulieYoga Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AliceYoga Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LauraYog a Teacher 5.00 (6) £70/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors UndramYoga Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LottieYoga Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsBikram Yoga, a Popular Indian Yoga StyleYou may be familiar with Bikram Yoga. In recent years, this has become one of the most popular types of yoga. It involves chaining together intensive and quick yoga poses.The main difference is that you do this in 40-degree heat! Bikram yoga works on the body and also helps to eliminate toxins from the body. The goal is to physically condition yourself as long as you don’t pass out in the first five minutes. Adapted from Hatha Yoga by Bikram Choudhury, each movement is accompanied by a particular breathing technique.Yoga Nidra, Yoga for SleepAlso known as “yogic sleep”, Yoga Nidra is a type of yoga developed by Swami Satyananda dating back to the 1940s. The goal of this discipline is to improve the quality of your sleep.Yoga Nidra is related to s ophrology and works using a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping. It can be done either seated or lying down for a 90-minute session and includes meditation and breathing exercises designed to achieve this state of consciousness.The goal is for our consciousness to take control of our body and influence our movements while relaxing. There are benefits to learning to better control your body through yoga and meditation.  It generally works through guided meditation, reciting mantras, visualisation, and yoga poses. Yoga Nidra combines meditation and mindfulness.Iyengar Yoga, The Body as an ActorIyenger Yoga gets its name from its creator B. K. S. Iyengar who made a style of yoga that focuses on alignment. Thanks to yoga blocks, belts, bands, etc., you can be mindful of your body under the guidance of a yoga instructor. Iyengar yoga combines the body, mind, and spirit. (Source: RachelScottYoga)Thanks to sequences of exercises, Iyengar Yoga can help you to better position your legs and align your spine and is related to Yin Yoga and Kundalini Yoga. This novel way of teaching yoga takes place in 90-minute sessions.Ashtanga Yoga, Dynamic Indian YogaAshtanga Yoga was created by Pattabhi Jois in the south of India and uses six series of poses and breathing techniques including Ujjayi diaphragmatic breathing techniques. It was designed to train young men for war.  These quick sequences make the most of Ujjayi.So what exactly is Ujjayi?It’s a breathing technique where you contract your throat. The poses work on flexibility and alignment.  In Sanskrit, “Ashtanga” means “Eight Limbs”, referring to the eight aspects of yoga described in the Yoga Sutra. This is a sporty brand of yoga which is popular amongst young healthy people.Vinyasa Yoga, Powerful YogaAlso known as “Power Yoga”, Vinyasa Yoga gets its name from “Nyasa” meaning “to place” and “vi”, which means “in a certain way”. You need to move your limbs in a particular way, synchronising your movements with the main principals of yoga and breath control.  The goal is to chain yoga exercises together and harmonise your body and mind. When doing this yoga, you need to listen to your needs and wants, much like with Ashtanga Yoga.  Vinyasa Yoga involves rebalancing your emotions and energy while deepening your understanding of yoga. India has a lot to offer!As you’ll have understood, there are various types of yoga from India and there’s a style for everyone that can bring your body, mind, and spirit together.So which style is the one for you?If you'd like to get started with yoga, try the talented tutors on Superprof. There are plenty of tutors offering plenty of different types of yoga. Similarly, there are three main types of yoga tutorial available, too: face-to-face tutorials, online tutorials, an d group tutorials. Each type of yoga, tutor, and tutorial has its pros and cons so you need to think carefully before you pick your tutor.Face-to-face tutorials are between you and your tutor, allowing you to benefit fully from the tutor's expertise every second you're with them. They'll put together sessions and courses that are tailored to you. Of course, this bespoke service tends to come at a cost but since it's all done with you in mind, it makes this type of tutorial the most cost-effective you can get. If you've got the budget for them, these are the ones to go for.Online tutorials are also between just you and the tutor but your tutor won't be there in the room with you. Thanks to the internet, anyone with a decent webcam, microphone, and internet connection can get tutoring from anyone, anywhere. With fewer expenditures for travelling and the ability to schedule more tutorials each week, online tutors tend to charge less per hour than face-to-face tutorials. You may even ge t a tutor from India!Finally, group tutorials are available for those that are happy to share their tutor's time with others. Whether you and a group of friends opt to practise yoga together or you start attending tutorials with a group of strangers, these tutorials tend to cost less per person per hour since the whole group is paying for the tutor's time and expertise.You need to think about your needs and your budget before you choose your private tutor and remember that many of the tutors on Superprof offer the first hour of tuition for free so you can see whether or not you get along and whether their teaching approaches are right for you.

Online Geometry Tutor Can Bring You Closer To Geometry

Online Geometry Tutor Can Bring You Closer To Geometry Advent of online tutoring Today online tutoring is one of the most famous ways of learning and getting help for any kind of subject. Gradually with time many institutes have opened up that is into this business. Yes, it can be said business but it is not at all a hard core business thing. Many eminent and efficient online geometry tutors are appointed under the institute so that they can teach those weak students with their full efficiency. The teachers are good, there is no need of any transportation as the classes can be conducted sitting at your home. Features of online tutoring Online teaching has many features in it and this is the reason why people are getting more attached towards it as they can feel the great advantage that it provides everyone whoever has enrolled their name. Efficient teachers all the efficient teachers comes under one roof in this online tutoring world. The appointment process of the tutors is very tough and so everyone is not able to crack that hard interview process. The cream layer of the society is only appointed as teachers.   This seems like a boon to all the students who study there. The teachers have good grip over the subject that they are appointed to teach. They know how to deal with a student and also how to deal with the subject.   For weak students a structured plan is also constructed so that they can learn better than before. One-on-one teaching the one-on-one teaching process is highly beneficial for those shy students who cannot open up with their problems before everyone and thus face lot of trouble to gel up with the subject. This process provided every child with an individual teacher who is appointed only for them and it is their prime duty as a teacher to look into different matters that they are having problem with. This boosts up the inner stamina and confidence of the student and thus they perform better. No time limitation every class has an end. But here in the world of online teaching there is no end to the classes. Every class can keep going till a student wants it to go on. It totally depends upon the student as to how long they want the class to get conducted.   A student can conduct the class according to their own time. This is one of the best way through which they can get good teaching as well as they can earn also better. Sitting at home and attending your classes. What can be better than this? Other services the teachers present with these institutes not only help you with your subject but it also helps you to complete your homework, helps you to get good command over assignments and various types of projects also done by the institute and by the teachers assigned. It’s better to go with TutorPace With new institutes opening up every now and then it is very essential to know which institute is better and serves its candidates in a good way. Tutor Pace is a good option as it helps you with variety of services along with availability of best online geometry tutor as well.  

Why Pentatonic Scales Are Essential for All Guitarists

Why Pentatonic Scales Are Essential for All Guitarists Megan L. Want to learn scales on guitar but not sure where to start? Guitar teacher  Joey I.  explains why pentatonic is the way to go The title of this article says it all: Why pentaonic scales are  essential for guitarists. Learning these scales is an absolute necessity. Now is it really necessary to know pentatonic scales to be able to play the guitar? No! A lot of guitarists go their whole career learning riffs, songs, and making up licks based off of the knowledge that they have while enjoying every minute of it. However, a lot of these guitarists know in the back of their mind that they should learn their scales. If you have been a guitarist for a little while, you have probably heard about it from other guitarists, musicians, teachers, and Internet articles that you should know your scales. And most guitarists have the desire to learn scales, but become overwhelmed because of how many scales there are to learn, and let’s be frank: there are a lot to learn and when you learn them, they are not easy to immediately apply to your playing. Well, I’m here to tell you that the pentatonic scale is the easiest and most useful scale to learn. The pentatonic scale can be used in almost every single song. Even if the song you are playing to uses a scale other than the pentatonic, you can play pentatonic over it and it will sound amazing. The pentatonic scale gets more miles per gallon than any other scale, and the fuel is recyclable. You can just keep using it and using it, and it never gets old. It is truly the bread and butter of guitar soloing, and song writing. Most songs that you love that sound “complicated” are actually using pentatonic guitar scales. Let’s look at what makes the pentatonic scale so easy: To start, the pentatonic scale has fewer notes than other scales.   The word pentatonic literally translates to 5 tones. Pent, meaning five. And tonic, meaning tone. “Our brains are inherently wired to know the pentatonic scale,” says famous musician Bobby McFerrin.   Check out this Ted Talk video where Bobby uses the audience to show how we all naturally know the pentatonic scale: Finally, you can play this scale over virtually every song, so this makes practicing a lot easier. Now, here are a few tips when practicing this scale: Practice slowly. When youre ready, try out these pentatonic scale exercises for guitarists. Make sure each note rings out and sounds good. The benefits of learning the pentatonic guitar scales: Learning the scale shapes allows you to improvise over virtually any song or backing track. Once you unlock this ability, practicing becomes easier and far more enjoyable. Not sure what we mean? Watch the video below. The pentatonic scale is the foundation for almost every other scale there is. Learning this foundation will set you up to easily play the other scales. Especially the blues scale, natural minor scale, harmonic minor scale, and the melodic minor scale. It will increase your confidence in playing dramatically. No more feelings of being overwhelmed by scales or the guitar. Your skill level will increase two fold because of this. Finally, it will allow you to seamlessly improvise with other musicians in a real live setting. Your friends will be thoroughly impressed and your confidence will soar. Once you have become comfortable with the pentatonic scales, try applying them by improvising over a backing track or your favorite song. Change the speed and rhythm, but most importantly, HAVE FUN! For a visual reminder of the G Major pentatonic scale, see the infographic below. Do you have any more questions about how the pentatonic scales work, or how to play them? Leave a comment and let us know. Joey I. teaches guitar, bass guitar, and drum lessons in Aurora, CO. He studied music production and recording arts at Berklee School of Music and he has been teaching music lessons for seven years. Learn more about Joey! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by Dan Cox

Taking Photos at Weddings

Taking Photos at Weddings Learn About Wedding Photography ChaptersChoosing the Right Wedding Photographer10 Tips for Taking Good Wedding PhotosHow Much Does Wedding Photography Cost?Where Can You Plan a Wedding Photo Shoot?“It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.” - Friedrich NietzscheThe cost of weddings is often a subject of discussion. The average wedding in the UK costs £30,355.   But this is just an average. So to budget for your wedding, let’s have a look at everything you need to know about getting a photographer for the big day.The cost of wedding photographers, techniques, places to get photos, here’s everything you need to know about wedding photography. AllanPhotography Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPhotography Teacher 5.00 (7) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TimothyPhotography Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Anosh nadeemPhotography Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutor s ZangmoPhotography Teacher 5.00 (6) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RosiePhotography Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MattPhotography Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AndyPhotography Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsChoosing the Right Wedding PhotographerWedding photographers need to capture all the best moments during your wedding: the prep, the ceremony, the rings, the happy couple, and all the guests need to be photographed to put together an album of happy memories. You shouldn't have to worry about your choice of photographer on your wedding day. (Source: Free-Photos)Choosing the right wedding photographer is therefore hugely important.Firstly, you need to think about your budget when choosing your wedding photographer. You’ll have to adjust your search to photographers within your budget. For example, the photographer could be there the entire wedding day. This, and other options, could increase the cost. If you decide to hire a well-known photographer, you can expect to pay a decent amount.Their reputation will have a big effect on how much they charge.  You should know that photographers can charge anywhere between £500 and £3,000 and an experienced photographer will charge more than a novice.Establishing a budget at the start can help you from getting lost when looking at all the different wedding photographers around and will help you to save time by not considering photographers outside of your budget.Once you’ve decided on your bud get, you’ll need to decide on the types of wedding photos you’d like. Natural, posed, black and white, etc., there are plenty of options available when it comes to getting your wedding snaps.You might want to have a look on social networks like Pinterest and Instagram. There are tonnes of photos posted every day and they’ll help give you an idea of what to expect.Finally, you’ll want to arrive at a shortlist of two or three photographers and start getting in touch with them. You’ll need to have decided upon a date before you get in touch with your photographers. Once you’ve booked your venue, the photographer will be able to book those dates.When you first get in touch, use this time to get to know the photographer and ask them any questions you may have.What do you expect from the photographer? How is the wedding going to play out? Is there a theme?You can ask the photographer about their experience and if they’ve photographed a wedding with a similar theme.You may ge t recommendations for wedding photographers from your friends or other people involved in your wedding. You can also find wedding photographers online.Photographing weddings is much harder than it seems. For example, wedding photography packages will include the photographer spending almost the whole day at your wedding, trying to capture candid photos of the guests and the wedding party. They need to constantly move around the wedding venue so that they're in the right place at the right time to capture these photos and once they've got all their photos, there'll be a good amount of sorting and post-processing to get the most out of the thousands of photos they took on the day.10 Tips for Taking Good Wedding PhotosTaking good wedding photos requires professionalism, skill, and organisation. Being a wedding photographer isn’t anywhere near as easy as it might look and many photographers need to invest a lot of time and money before they can start capturing photos of the bride and groom.Here’s some advice for wedding photographers looking to capture the best moments during a wedding:Meet with the couple beforehandTake two camerasMake a list of the important parts of the weddingScope out the wedding venuesAsk for help from the guestsUse depth of fieldWork in RAW on the dayTake bracketed shotsUse a cobra flashEdit the photos after the wedding A good photographer will be in the right place at the right time to get the best shots. (Source: ANURAG1112)These simple rules will greatly improve your photos and get the job done effectively and professionally. However, the golden rule is to enjoy your work and capture the spontaneity on the day.The best wedding photographers will have a level of professionalism and whether you work with a photography company or as in independent photographer, customers expect their wedding photographs to capture all the fun of the day without their photographer getting in the way.How Much Does Wedding Photography Cost?Once you’ve decided upon a budget for your wedding, you need to think about how much of it you’ll dedicate to your photographer. Many couples tend to think that wedding photography is rather expensive. This is because they tend to forget all the work that goes into it.The photographer will work more than just the day. As explained before, the photographer needs to meet with the c ouple, go around the venue, and set up all their equipment. This can take several hours or a few days. Make sure that your photographer is within your budget. You don't want to have to scrimp on other things (like doves) because of the cost of the photography. (Source: klausPeter)In addition to the preparation and the day of the wedding, the photographer also needs to spend time going through the photos and editing them after the wedding. Postproduction involves sorting the photos, improving them, cropping them, etc.Then there’s the cost of the final product be it a USB key, a CD, slides, or photo albums.That’s why you mustn’t think of their work as just the day of the wedding. A day of photography could amount to several days to a week of work from the photographer.Do you now see why it seems so expensive?The cost will vary from one photographer to another. Some might work for a company whereas others may be self-employed and have to pay for a studio, for example. Many variables can affect the cost of the photographer as well as their reputation and experience.Finally, you need to consider the cost of their equipment. Their equipment won’t be cheap and over time will need to be replaced. Similarly, to avoid any disasters, many photographers will have backup cameras, memory cards, batteries, etc.It’s unlikely that you’ll pay less than £1,000 for the day. This is a very fair price for a professional photographer, by the way. If you desperately need to pay less than that, you'll have to make sacrifices.You might need to get in a friend or family member and hope for mates’ rates. Similarly, you don’t want your photographer to have to travel too far.If they’re not shooting digitally, you can easily spend upwards of £2,500 for the day. Developing film isn’t cheap, after all.Where Can You Plan a Wedding Photo Shoot?In addition to shooting the wedding, some couples want personal photos and portraits taken either on the day or at another time. There are several places you can choose to do these photo shoots even if they are on the big day. In addition to the photos you get taken on the day, you might also want to get a photoshoot as a couple in other places. (Source: Pexels)The important thing is to find the perfect location so think carefully about the lighting and whether or not you’d be able to make it there in a wedding dress or suit. You’ll want to avoid muddy or dusty places if you want to keep the dress clean.To avoid having to get all dolled up again, most couples try and get these photos done on the day of the ceremony. In this case, you’ll need to keep this in mind when booking your venue.Other couples prefer to get these photos taken on a different day to make the whole process less stressful. In this case, you can get the photos taken away from the venue.For example, you can get your photos taken in your favourite places: where you met, where you had your first date, where you like to go together, etc.You want your photos to have a personal feel and remind you of the things you love. Choose places you love and feel comfortable in. You need to feel comfortable in front of the lens to take the best photos.If you don’t have any particular places in mind, think about going somewhere beautiful. Castles, beaches, fields of flowers, etc. You can also choose original places like fairgrounds or an old train station.Finally, you might want to get photos on your honeymoon, wherever you decide to go! In that case, you might want to get a photographer there rather than paying for your wedding photographer to come with you!A destination wedding might end up being more costly, especially if you expect professional photographers to come with you. Of course, getting that perfect wedding was always going to come at a cost. If your wedding is hard to get to, you mightn't have many options when it comes to photographers who can make it so you can expect to pay more for your photography packages.